Waitlist Frequently Asked Questions
Waitlist Essentials
- What is Waitlisting?
Waitlisting allows you to get “in line” for courses that have filled or closed. - What is the key to successfully using the Waitlist process?
Check your MCC student email daily, as you will be notified when a seat becomes available. - If I waitlist for a class, how am I notified?
The initial notification is sent to your MCC student email confirming that you have waitlisted for a class. - If I am on a waitlist for a course, does that means that I officially registered for the class?
No. Being on a waitlist does not mean you are officially registered for the class. - Should I attend classes while on the Waitlist?
For On-Campus classes, it is recommended that you attend every class meeting while remaining on the waitlist (until the add/drop period ends) in case a seat does open.
For Online classes, if you do not receive a seat in the class one week prior to the start, you have the option of contacting the instructor to inquire about the possibility of being added into the class. - Should I remove myself from a waitlist after classes have started?
No. Please allow the Registration office to drop you from a waitlist after classes have started. If you remove yourself from a waitlist after a class has started, please contact the Registration office. - Is the waitlist an automated or manual process?
Automated Processing: The waitlist is an automated process for full semester (fall & spring) courses, except the first week of school during these semesters.
Manual Processing: The waitlist becomes a manual process the first week of classes for full semester (fall & spring) courses, and for all intersession and summer courses. During these specific times, students are added to the classes from the waitlist and are NOT notified. It is your responsibility to check your schedule online daily to view your registration status. - How do I check my position on the waitlist?
During the automated waitlist processing for the fall and spring terms, you can check your real-time waitlist position on the web by logging into myMCC (my.berxwedan.net) or your Student Account. Click on the Registration tile, then the Older Version-Register for Classes tile. Click on the Student tab at the top, the Registration link, then the Student Detail Schedule link. Select the term and hit submit. You should see what number you are on the waitlist there. - Do waitlisted courses count toward your credit hours?
No. Waitlisted courses do not count toward your credit hours, UNTIL you actually register for the class. - What do Waitlist Messages mean?
Open – Reserved for Waitlist: The class is waitlisted and the open seat is being offered to the person on the top of the list. You will need to add yourself to the waitlist.
Closed – 0 Waitlist: This means that the class is full, and there are no students on the waitlist yet. You can place yourself on the waitlist.
Closed – Waitlist Full: This means the waitlist is full, and no more students can be added to the waitlist. The waitlist will open only if: - A registered student drops the class or,
- A student on the waitlist drops their waitlisted course.
Waitlist Email Notification: “A seat has opened up”
- Are you guaranteed a seat in a class for which you have waitlisted?
No. Waitlisting DOES NOT guarantee a seat in the class. You will receive an email notification, if/when a seat opens up in the class. - How will I be notified when a seat becomes available on a waitlisted class?
You will be notified by MCC student email when a seat becomes available. - What happens if I do not register for the class before the deadline?
If you take no action to register, you will be dropped from the waitlist. - How long do I have to register for the waitlisted class, once I am notified?
You have 3 days to register for the class. If you do not register for the class within this time, you will be removed from the waitlist, and the available seat notification will be sent to the next person on the waitlist. - What happens if I miss the three-day time, but still want to take the class?
You can add yourself back onto the waitlist, provided the waitlist maximum has not been met. - What happens if the Maximum Enrollment is increased while there are students sitting on the waitlist?
If a department increases the Maximum Enrollment for a class, even though it has waitlisted students, the first person on the waitlist will automatically receive an email notification, of an available seat.
Dropping a Waitlisted Class
- How do I drop a waitlisted course?
You can remove yourself from a waitlist, by logging into myMCC (my.monroe.mcc.edu), select the “Students” tab, the “My Account” sub tab, and select “Add/Drop/Withdraw” in the Registration & Records area on the right. The courses that are waitlisted are noted, and you simply select “Drop Web” and “Submit Changes”, to remove yourself from the waitlisted course. - Do I need to drop a waitlisted course after classes have started?
You can remain on a class waitlist up to one week after the first day of class. At the one week mark, the Records & Registration office will remove all waitlisted students. You do not need to remove yourself from a waitlist. - What happens if I drop a course by mistake, and the course has an active waitlist?
If you are registered for a class, drop that class, and then want to re-enroll in the class, you must add yourself to the waitlist. - What happens if I am on a waitlist and drop myself from the waitlist by mistake?
If you drop a waitlisted class by mistake, you can add yourself back on the waitlist, provided the waitlist maximum has not been met, however, you may not be placed in the same position that you were in before.
Restrictions to getting on a Waitlist
- If I have a HOLD, can I place myself on a waitlist?
No. If you have a registration hold, you cannot add yourself to a waitlist, nor can you register for a class. - Do registration restrictions prevent you from adding yourself to a waitlist?
Yes. Registration restrictions (Majors, Level, etc.) continue to work, preventing registration as well as wait-listing. For example, if you attempt to register for a class that has a prerequisite (which you have not taken), you will get the registration error message, and will not be allowed to add yourself to the waitlist.